Thursday, November 11, 2010


Now, normally, I'm not a big breakfast person. But lately, I've taken a liking to toast and eggs. 
I jazzed these up this morning and was so incredibly pleased with a) how easy it was and b) (and more importantly) how delicious it was. 

Super simple, can hardly even call it a recipe:
2 slices of bread or halves of english muffin. It would also be tasty on a biscuit or bagel. 
2 eggs
about 1/3 c shredded cheese (I had smoked gouda and it rocked)
about 1/3 c baby spinach leaves

Put two slices of bread or halves of English muffin in the toaster (or an oven set to 250)

Fry two eggs over easy. I like to leave the yolks a little runny, but cook to your liking. Season with salt, pepper and smoked paprika. Season *both* sides of the eggs! 

Split the spinach and the cheese and arrange on top of the toast. 

Plop an egg on each toast (quickly! you need the residual heat from the egg to melt the cheese in a hurry)

Enjoy your breakfasty goodness. 

And, paired with a big pot of coffee and some nice fruit, this would probably make a great brunch for 2.

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